How Your Offer Letter Can Help You Get The Home You Want, Even If You Aren’t The Highest Bidder
We all know that finding the dream home is not easy. It takes a lot of work between the seller, the buyer, and the selling agent. Finding a choice property to invest in can also be pretty challenging. Sometimes the process could take months. You find yourself visiting up to 20, 30, 40 properties with not one that is appealing to you. It is a lengthy journey. But what happens when you finally lay eyes on that one real estate property you just can't let go of? The problem is, lots of other people probably feel the exact same way you do. After all, good properties are not easy to come by. It all comes down to timing and luck a lot of the time. The thing with good products is that they are highly sought after, and for good reason. People want them because they offer a value that other lesser products do not have. Have you ever tried to get your hands on a new big product launch? Take the iPhone for example, people will fight tooth and nail to get their hands on one as soon as these hot commodities come out on the market. Why? Because they offer a certain degree of luxury lifestyle, and everyone wants to get a piece of it. Hot commodities often equate to fierce competition and the real estate market is no stranger to that. Luxury homes that are hot on the market will be sought after by other interested buyers. In such a competitive type of environment, how can you make yourself stand out?
The Necessary Principles That First-Time Real Estate Investors Can Learn From Industry Experts
Do you dream of investing in real estate properties and building a real estate portfolio that will pave the road to your financial freedom? You are on the right track if you have started toying with the idea of becoming a real estate investor. Having a successful real estate portfolio can help you create a more enjoyable and steady lifestyle (if you are equipped with the proper tools!) - real estate investment to a certain degree can be considered a source of passive income in securing your future. You're probably thinking, “well that's all great in theory but I don't know how and where to even start! I've never done it before, and I just don't know if I can…"
How To Prepare For Your First Real Estate Investment Purchase As A New Investor
Investing in real estate property is probably one of the biggest milestones you will ever make especially in a city like Hong Kong. It’s a complex business and getting ready to buy your first ever real estate property as an investment opportunity can be terrifying and even daunting. There’s so much to learn about, and the industry jargon can make your head spin. Credit scores, down payments, mortgages, appraisals, appreciation, closing statements, contract rent, co-ownership, buyer’s agent, listing agent, fixed-rate, adjustable-rate mortgages, pre-approvals, closing costs, title insurance…the terminology list goes on and on. What are all these terms? Where do you even begin? Getting your feet wet in the real estate industry is absolutely overwhelming if you are a newbie, and fear is what stops the majority of the people out there from ever getting started in real estate investing. There’s the fear of the unknown, it’s a whole new universe to learn and understand. And then there’s the fear of failing. The fear of failure is the number one fear that stops people from achieving their dreams of becoming real estate investors ...
Our Top Tips To Identifying The Next Hot Neighbourhood To Invest In Hong Kong
Real estate and property investment is all about timing and location. Smart homebuyers and investors understand that to get the maximum return on their real estate investment, they need to find out where the emerging markets are - and this means finding out the neighbourhoods that are on the rise. As a property investor, nothing feels better than getting in to a neighbourhood before it becomes a trendy hotspot. The skills and eye for seeking out emerging hot-spots that are only the rise is something all investors want. How can you identify these up-and-coming hotspots yourself for your next property investments?
How To Find Healthy Neighbourhoods In A City Like Hong Kong
Health is Wealth. There is nothing in our life that is more valuable than good health. A person can have everything; money, success, fame and more, but without health there is no true happiness, peace or even the ability to enjoy all the blessings than life has to offer. This made us think - how much of a factor does our residential neighbourhood play in to our overall health? What kind of qualities should we be looking for during our hunt for our next home?
Mistakes To Avoid On Your First Real Estate Investment
There is a first time for everything. Starting out in anything for the first time is always hard, and sometimes even frightening. The anxiety of not doing something right the first time can be overwhelming. The unknown is scary because we don’t know what to expect, and real estate investment is no exception to this rule.If you have been toying with the idea of making your first real estate investment, you may have heard that is the the most difficult one yet. Your first deal is always the most difficult because you don’t know enough about the ins and outs of the industry yet. This is normal. How could you possibly know if you have never done it before? As with most things in life, the hardest part is taking the first step. In the real world, most people don’t ever get started and move forward in their dream direction because they are always waiting for that sign to tell them that they are 100 percent ready to start. Frankly speaking, you can never be 100 percent ready. Nothing is going to be perfect in life, let alone your first real estate investment deal. There is an ever evolving learning curve, and it’sup to you to equip yourself with the tools to learn and progress as you go ...
Answer These Questions To Find Out If Being A Property Owner in Hong Kong Could Be Your Calling
Many people get into property investment, owning and managing rental properties because of the idea of passive income. On paper, it seems to be every person’s dream come true. The reality is quite different.l There’s more to being a landlord than just handing out keys to rental units and waiting for the money to roll in as you sit back and collect rent checks each month.Owning rental property requires a lot of hard work, patience, and meticulous planning. It’s true that owning and managing can generate sizable income, it’s important to understand that it is still a job that requires time, effort, and dedication.There are advantages and disadvantages of this job. Some of the pros that draw people in are the prospects of a monthly pay check, equity as an investment,financial and personal independence, which are all very attractive ...
Real Estate Investing: Is owning a property worth the headache?
Real estate investment. It’s a topic that attracts the attention of many just as often as it scares away the masses. How do you know if you are cut out for it?And is it really worth it? Let’s start off with saying this: not everyone can be areal estate investor. We aren’t trying to be harsh but that’s the real hard truth. Real property investment takes work, hard work. Real estate investment is kind of a misnomer because it’s a lot more work than most people think. People seem to think that their work ends at the investment part, but in reality, it really is running a long term proper business. The truth is that some people just are not cut out for investment in real estate just as some people are not cut out to be surgeons, military officers, lawyers and so on. To understand whether you should invest in real estate, you should first understand all the reasons why you may not want to get in to it, and why it may not be for you ...
Have You Tried Googling Your Address? This is Why You Should Start Doing it!
When you are looking for an apartment or property in Hong Kong, it is important to put extra work into your research process. We tend to trust the surface information given to us by our real estate agents, property management staff, or simply through word of mouth. It doesn’t hurt to be extra curious, though - especially when you are on the hunt for a new home.